Caulerpa simpliciuscula
Catalogue number: MELUA155134a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Currie River.
Collectors: Jones, L.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 05/12/1934
Number of high resolution images: 2
There are 57 collection objects. Of these, 4 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 6 images, and 0 collection objects are georeferenced.
Catalogue number: MELUA155134a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Currie River.
Collectors: Jones, L.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 05/12/1934
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUA155133a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Warnock, I.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/11/1934
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUA119005a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Robe.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Kraft, C. Collector's number: GK3073
Collected date: 15/12/1970
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA119004a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Phillips, L. Collector's number: K10538
Collected date: 06/03/1997
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA003915a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portland, Pt. [Point] Danger.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/08/1968
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004419a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Queenscliff.
Collectors: King, R.J., Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 12/03/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004471a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/05/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004499a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/05/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004606a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 28/08/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004639a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Napean, Bayside.
Collectors: Black, J.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/01/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004667a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Corio Bay North.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 17/09/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004844a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Wilson.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/02/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004940a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mornington, near Jetty.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/05/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020113a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Waterhouse Is. [Island].
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 03/12/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020263a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Swan Is. [Island], near lighthouse.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/12/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020977a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: King Island, Naracoopa.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/05/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021226a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Hunter Island.
Collectors: Bennett, I., MacPherson, H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 14/01/1954
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002961a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: French I. [Island], Tortoise Head.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/10/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002513a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Hastie, A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/06/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002512a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Anglesea.
Collectors: Walsh, P. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 09/07/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002510a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Geelong, North Shore Beach.
Collectors: Scarlett, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 27/05/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002509a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Smith, P.K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/05/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002456a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Cape Patterson [Paterson].
Collectors: Cappelli, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/01/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002404a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Phillip Is. [Island], Seal Rocks.
Collectors: Seebeck, J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/11/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001851a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale. Lighthouse reef.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/12/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001308a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Sorrento.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 21/03/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001281a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: McLennan, E.I. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/04/1947
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001268a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/01/1941
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001267a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Kangaroo Is. [Island], D'estree Bay.
Collectors: Maclennan, I. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/08/1950
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001264a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/09/1948
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA127227a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Phillip.
Collectors: Macpherson, J.H. Collector's number: 214
Collected date: 17/01/1960
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA127226a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lonsdale Bight, Area 58.
Collectors: Macpherson, J.H. Collector's number: 330
Collected date: 21/05/1961
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA127225a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: West of Port Phillip Bay, Area 11.
Collectors: Macpherson, J.H. Collector's number: 505
Collected date: 21/03/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA127224a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portsea, Area 59.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/11/1957
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA127223a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mouth of Werribee R. [River], Area 9.
Collectors: Macpherson, J.H. Collector's number: 552
Collected date: 20/03/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122262a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: null
Collectors: Axelrod, D. Collector's number: 023
Collected date: 07/03/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122261a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Werribee Sewage farm.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Brown, D., Hesse, T., Epskamp, S. Collector's number: K10289
Collected date: 16/06/1994
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122260a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/06/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122259a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: K5102a
Collected date: 19/01/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122258a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Greens from Rotto [Rottnest Island].
Collectors: O'Brien, C., O'Brien, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 01/12/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122257a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Long Reach Bay, Point Peron, near Rockingham.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: 1934
Collected date: 25/07/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122256a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Point Leander Reef, Port Denison.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Kraft, R. Collector's number: K10045
Collected date: 07/10/1990
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122255a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Point Peron (Long Reach Bay).
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: G.K. 1935
Collected date: 25/07/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122254a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Port Noarlunga.
Collectors: MacRaild, G. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 05/01/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122253a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: 2008
Collected date: 04/02/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122252a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pyramid Rock, Phillip Island.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: 1262
Collected date: 20/02/1952
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122251a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. Lonsdale.
Collectors: Middleton, M., Chisolm, R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 01/08/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122250a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Brighton Beach.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: G.K. 2127
Collected date: 11/09/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122249a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: North Beach.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: G.K. 1710
Collected date: 19/06/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA122248a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Point Peron.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: G.K. 1520
Collected date: 00/04/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA114808b
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portsea.
Collectors: Huisman, J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/05/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA037037a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Robe, outer coast.
Collectors: Kraft, C., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: 3301
Collected date: 16/12/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023306a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Schnapper Point; Mornington.
Collectors: Forsyth, J., Daly, H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/06/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022644a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: null Locality: S.ea Elephant Bay.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/03/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021983a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: L., J., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021976a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Lewis, J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/05/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000962a
Family: Caulerpaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Point Puer. Tasman Penn. [Peninsula]
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/11/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1930-1939 | 2 |
1940-1949 | 3 |
1950-1959 | 4 |
1960-1969 | 29 |
1970-1979 | 14 |
1980-1989 | 2 |
1990-1999 | 3 |
Total | 57 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1940-1949 | 2 |
1950-1959 | 3 |
1960-1969 | 20 |
1970-1979 | 15 |
1980-1989 | 2 |
1990-1999 | 2 |
Total | 44 |
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